Soul-Care Method to Self Discovery in Mental Health

Soul-Care Method Through Self Discovery in Mental Health



Back Story:

    A good and wise man reminded me to not always focus on the painful past that I have been reflecting on my posts and he's right. Those who have read the posts of my dark past, most of you can relate in some way, shape, and form, am I right? Okay, so the way to treat Mental Health (MH) and Addiction (AD) medically and clinically is through:

Medical and Clinical Interventions:

  • Psychotropic Medication Management (dependent on your diagnosis)
  • Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT for addiction)
  • Individualized Therapy (CBT, DBT, Family, Couples Therapy as well)
  • Psycho-therapeutic Methods
  • Self-Help Meetings (AA, NA, etc)
  • Inpatient or Outpatient Care
  • Mentorship or Sponsorship
Obvious and Given Necessity:
    Basically we all know how third party interventions work and I call this a "Given Necessity" to MH and AD, but as we all know each human being on Earth, we have things that work for us, work against us, and some that does us no good or no harm too. The one thing i learned while stable and unstable in my road with living with MH & AD, and that was we must make an effort to learn about ourselves as best as we can to have more success in our stabilization and recovery. 

Interpretation About Self-Discovery:

    Self-discovery is a term loosely used in and out of this topic, but for me, I take it to my interpretation and sense of knowing myself. I will explain how to use Self-Discovery and also, connect this method with how to help you understand your MH and AD diseases. So let's start with using my sense of higher power, spirituality, and divine belief that promotes universal symbolism. Again, this is what works for me, and take into account it may work for you, it may not work for you, and maybe some but not all will be for you to use. All I want to do is offer you options to explore and I intend to offer TLC to my readers to use for themselves if living or not with MH and/or AD; as well as their connections. Alright let's begin with this:

The Divided Parts of the Soul:

    Five or quintessential divisions form and give a realization of humans hosting a soul if some belief in this. Nature is embedded inside of us and that is how sometimes we may associate or feel connected to an element. Five elements in nature also correspond to the human soul and in my next blog, I will utilize these elements to offer more spiritual growth. Now, this is how a human soul is formed:
  1. Lightning is equivalent to the Spirit
    1. Spirit is ethereal, energy, sense of faith and belief in the divinity
    2. Connected to Spirituality/Religious ties, faith, hope, and belief
  2. Earth is equivalent to the Body
    1. Body is the vessel that allow us to allow the internal to give or receive from the external
    2. The shell in which our other divisions interact with another's divisions
  3. Water is equivalent to the Heart
    1. Heart is the expression of emotions, feelings, and sensations that allow understanding
    2. The ability to sympathize, empathize, accept, embrace, and repel
  4. Fire is equivalent to the Will
    1. Will is the undying ambition, tenacity, motivation, and want to help us achieve
    2. The passion that moves you, the offers fuel and incentive in goals and tasks
  5. Air is equivalent to the Mind
    1. Mind is the process of comprehending our thoughts, ideas, memories, and cognition
    2. Intelligence and recognition grows as it ages and offers opinions and choices
    Now the question you are asking is how the hell are these elements supposed to help me discover my sense of self in MH and/or AD? It is easy to explain the necessity to know this information. Many of us do not know who we are or when we are not taking the proper precautions and methods of healthy choice we tend to lose who we are through our illness and reject the possible understanding of ourselves. Now I will offer, how I nurture my natures based on the breakdown of the soul. The soul is our individualized journey and our unique contribution to this life's existence. For each element I will express are your options to nurture your nature divisions, then I will contribute what helps me and how it will enrich your division. We will call this Soul Self-Care (SSC) Methods:

Soul Self-Care Methods:
  • Spirit
    • Meditation, Prayer, Going to Church/Temple, Dancing, Exercise
      • My SSC is dancing music that makes you sweat and distracts you (industrial dance music).
      • My SSC also, a meditation to unblock or heal your chakras are truly important to me
        • Any approach that you use will help you with your faith in others and yourself as well as belief in yourself.
  • Body
    • Nutrition/Nourishment, Hydration, Hygiene, Sobriety
      • My SSC is staying away from unhealthy foods and eating high protein, high fiber, and drinking at least 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight.
      • My SSC is exploring other physical activities that are healthy such as dancing, hiking, martial arts, taichi, yoga, and boxing.
  • Heart
    • Sympathy/Empathy, Embrace/Acceptance, Emotional Intelligence (EQ)/Releasing Feelings
      • My SSC is being transparent about how you feel, what you desire, what hurts you and communicate what's in your heart.
      • My SSC is using "I" statements without pointing blame to the one you are communicating with about how you feel. Also, seeing a therapist, psychologist, counselor, and/or even a true friend or trustworthy stranger that can offer you unbiased advice.
  • Will
    • Motivation, Ambition, Passion, Willpower, Initiative, Tenacity, Relentless
      • My SSC is being realistic about my short-term and long-term goals and take a step further each time you try or each day you wake up.
      • My SSC is go out and explore, don't stay cozy in your laziness, shake up the depression and apathy away, by you moving you break free from the stillness of symptoms and psychosis.
  • Mind
    • Cognition, Thoughts Process, Intelligence, Memory, Learning, Comprehending
      • My SCC is study and do research on topics or matters that relate or not on your career, interests, likes, dislikes, and anything you may or may not find interest because this trains your mental prowess.
      • My SCC is to rationalize the reality from the fantasy and figure out what to remember and what is okay for you to forget. Sometimes pressing delete is harder than pressing save for later, but deleting is freeing, liberation, and unbound.
Conclusion/Ending Segment:

     I will end with a big, fat thank you to you my readers for taking the time to read this information that solely I am investing in creating a realistic utopia in which this hidden stigma can be flipped to an advantage or gift by them and us as well. Please follow me, share my link, like my post, and comment with feedback. I admire good and not-so-good feedback. It helps me grow to be a better advocate. Thank you, my people.


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