
Showing posts from March 20, 2022

Look What You Made Me Do

  Look What You Made Me Do by Ouroboros      Today, March 20, 2022, Sunday, one day before my mother's birthday. I have something great to give her tomorrow. Anyways, how is my audience doing? I hope everything is going well and no this blog is not about  Taylor Swift's  fan base paparazzi. Yes, my peoples, it's still a blog of #MentalIllnessMatters and more about my perception and advocacy disposition. Of course do not take this as the absolute knowledge of the world because I am but a speck of some of many intelligent people with more experience, higher IQ, etc., but needed to put that on this post    As I mentioned, this is not about  Taylor Swift , but it is about her song, "Look What You Made Me Do," because I started listening to this song on  Pandora  and watched her music video on  Youtube  (which I provided the link below). This is an interpretation of how music lyrics, beats, songs, music videos, underlined ...