Look What You Made Me Do


Look What You Made Me Do



    Today, March 20, 2022, Sunday, one day before my mother's birthday. I have something great to give her tomorrow. Anyways, how is my audience doing? I hope everything is going well and no this blog is not about Taylor Swift's fan base paparazzi. Yes, my peoples, it's still a blog of #MentalIllnessMatters and more about my perception and advocacy disposition. Of course do not take this as the absolute knowledge of the world because I am but a speck of some of many intelligent people with more experience, higher IQ, etc., but needed to put that on this post 

  As I mentioned, this is not about Taylor Swift, but it is about her song, "Look What You Made Me Do," because I started listening to this song on Pandora and watched her music video on Youtube (which I provided the link below). This is an interpretation of how music lyrics, beats, songs, music videos, underlined messages, and artists' current effigy of demeanor and creativity. I will make some references about this song and music video that she made and synergy to mental illness capacity of transition, transformation, alienation, individuality, and psychoanalysis (biased speculation). Let us begin.

Taylor Swift's Song - Look What You Made Me Do 

    Let's start with the song and some of the lyrics that I will dissect and interpret. Starting with the title of the song "Look What You Made Me Do" tells you the casting of her blame to another, but also, it reveals an external stimulus that triggered this psychosis or mood imbalance in her personality and character definition. I won't go in the order of the song because I believe creativity is unstructured. When she says, "The role you made me look like a fool." This expresses abuse of some sort, where compromise has been broken. And this means that stimuli publicly shamed her demeanor and her self-worth. 

   "You said the gun was mine." This to me was a metaphor or simile to that fidelity has been broken or severed or some sort of agreement or alliance left her powerless and incredibly vulnerable. Her formality, personality, and engagement left her depleted and wasted to the very core of her self-esteem damaged and shattered."I got hotter I got smarter in the nick of time." Reveals of transformation and self-care because the motive was not about singular decisiveness thus only to prove to another or others that she mounted back on the horse.

   "You asked me for a place to sleep and you locked me out." Now this line, expresses betrayal, breach of agreement, and abusing loyalty. It reveals that she gave blind faith to someone or people that took poor care of the relationship with her. "All I think about is Karma." That means that she is on payback mode and she is prepared to abandon her virtues for revenge. "I got a list of names and yours in red underline." It means she came to the discovery of many individuals was using her, betraying her, keeping secrets from her, and lying about important considerations in her life. 

   "I don't trust nobody and nobody trust me. I will be the actress starring in your bad dream." This line of her song, Expresses that she is now skeptical of those who seemed to be trustworthy and that she can't trust her sense of judgment anymore. And so she is going to explore a new identity where she takes a form that others may see as a matured badass. "I am sorry the old Taylor can't come to the phone right now. Why? Because she is dead." As mentioned, she is telling those she trusted and those moving forward that she is not going to be a pushover, spineless, and a victim. 

Taylor Swift's Music Video - Look What You Made Me Do 

  In her music video she displayed a lot of controversies, image change, and growth personified as in "Don't Freaken Mess With Me or There Will Be Hell to Pay." In her way, she displayed parts of the social expectation, sexist impressions of chains of command, and revolutionary changes for needed equality and reformation of observation. In the music video, she trends different phases of transformation that felt more comfortable on her innovation of reputation where a scene towards the middle of the song and the ending of her persona in her previous music videos died meaning all those trends of effigies were fake, produced in fallacy, and victimization. The ending when they are communicating with each other and said to one Taylor, "Shut Up," engages that she had to be something she didn't want to be, that she was told what to do and compromise her creativity, and after a cruel light of truth showed her current disposition, she is filled with various emotional points of anger, shameless, blunt, vengeance, and that she is coming to be herself.

Explanation about the Narrative to Comparison

  Now that I broke down the song, the lyrics, and video, ignite the probability that we do not always see what is going on when we are under an illusion. Sometimes growing up we believe to be the norm the cruelty behind those we love and trust. Sometimes, this makes us fear the world for what it is seen as, and it is seen as survival of the fittest, cruel, and hard outside the walls of our home. The reason I used Taylor Swift's song was for the analogy of how we are all at first following a script of a master plot in a show series and the persona we must envelop is not who we truly are. I don't know if you all know this, but the persona is another simple way of saying "mask." We all carry more than one mask with the ones we love, the ones we work with, the ones that hold conflict, and the ones that in a macro-systematic expectation binds us to follow a cultural norm rather than an individualized singularity. 

  The internal stimuli that break us free from this are our emotions. Emotions and feelings are so powerful, raw, primordial, distinct, and vast that it helps us with transformation, connectivity, unity, duality, and harmony. It is okay to feel or express emotion and never hold back on it or suppress it. Psychoanalysis and the generalized science of psychology perceive that behavior is observed by three components. Those components are Emotions (first component); Cognition (second component); Behavior (third component). In the simplest form, it is we first feel by a trigger that brings out emotions that are basic yet profound where its rawest form of energy in the human's arsenal of internal capabilities; then Cognition proceeds to make sense of why these emotions are happening, what triggered them, decide of possibilities that seem likely, and process a resolution or outcome to engage or not; which then leads to Behavior an action or deed based on our judgment, impulse control, conviction, and personal reservation. "Look what you made me do," is a part of the truth, but the other part is on you of what are you going to do? Thank you for your time my audience. I'll finish this post with my preferred mantra.

"To Conquer Others is to Know Power. To Conquer Myself is to Know the Way." 

Thank you Taylor Swift for an awesome piece of art. Keep up your vision



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